Guide for Older Persons unveiled at Clare Age Friendly Strategy Workshop
The Clare Age Friendly Programme, supported by the Clare Older People’s Council, has developed a comprehensive guide to the essential services and supports available for older adults and their families in the county.

The Directory of Services for Older People features contact details for public services, community and voluntary organisations and some community based social groups across the county, as well as guidance around entitlements, safety and security, transport and health.
The Directory was distributed to attendees of a workshop held at Treacy’s West County Hotel in Ennis where older residents of the county gathered with key service providers from the statutory, voluntary and community sectors to discuss and share ideas on the Clare Age Friendly Strategy 2023–2027. Round Table Discussions took place on World Health Organisation (WHO) themes, the feedback from which will help to form the content for the new strategy.
Speaking at the workshop, Cllr. Joe Cooney, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, stated “As Elected Members, Age Friendly is a key consideration in how we develop policy and is a key objective of the renewed Clare Rural Strategy 2030 and our County Development Plan, while it also is a key consideration of the Clare Local Economic and Community Plan that is currently being prepared.”
“Age Friendly Initiatives under these plans have a clear focus and will develop an Age Friendly built and social environment that will enhance the lives of our communities for the benefit of all,” added the Cathaoirleach.
Emer Coveney, National Programme Manager, Age Friendly Ireland attended the event and outlined the role of the Local Government Shared Services and stated that the Older People’s Council represents the ‘voice’ of older people at local level, reflects the diversity of older people in the community, represents older people on the Age Friendly Alliance Board and identifies older people’s issues through consultation.
Maurice Harvey, Chairperson of the Clare Older People’s Council, commented, “As life expectancy increases the onus is on society to adapt in a manner that provides our older people with the physical, economic, and cultural opportunities to ensure they enjoy the best quality of life.”
Outlining the achievements to date of the Older People’s Council, Mr. Harvey said, “This week’s workshop, which coincided with Positive Ageing Week, was about building on the momentum and on what has been achieved to date and working together to develop actions that can be developed in our forthcoming Clare Age Friendly Strategy”.
Visit for more on the Clare Age Friendly Strategy 2023–2027.
Copies of the Directory of Services for Older People, which will be formally launched later in the year, are available from local library branches, local authority offices and GPs. Further copies of the Information Guide can be obtained by telephoning (065) 684 6240 or by emailing;
Caption: Back: (L-R): Ann Daly, Mary O’Callaghan, James Gallagher, Mary Hogan (Members of Clare Older People’s Council); Bernadette Haugh, Senior Executive Officer; Brendan Boyce, Clare Age Friendly Programme Manager; Helen Moloney, Clare Age Friendly Programme; Monica O’Loughlin, Larry Hally (Members of Clare Older People’s Council); and Jason Murphy, Director of Service.
Front: (L-R) Susan Harvey (Clare Older People’s Council); Emer Coveney, National Programme Manager, Age Friendly Ireland; Maurice Harvey, Chairperson of the Clare Older People’s Council; Cllr Joe Cooney, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council; Eithne Mallin, Consultant; and Carole Head (Clare Older People’s Council).
Page last reviewed: 06/10/23
Content managed by: Corporate Services Department
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